In a recent sample of 84 used car sales costs, the sample mean was 6,425 with a standard deviation of 3,156. Assume the underlying distribution is approximately normal. a. Which distribution should you use for this problem? Explain your choice. b. Defin (2024)

`); let searchUrl = `/search/`; history.forEach((elem) => { prevsearch.find('#prevsearch-options').append(`


`); }); } $('#search-pretype-options').empty(); $('#search-pretype-options').append(prevsearch); let prevbooks = $(false); [ {title:"Recently Opened Textbooks", books:previous_books}, {title:"Recommended Textbooks", books:recommended_books} ].forEach((book_segment) => { if (Array.isArray(book_segment.books) && book_segment.books.length>0 && nsegments<2) { nsegments+=1; prevbooks = $(`

  • ${book_segment.title}
  • `); let searchUrl = "/books/xxx/"; book_segment.books.forEach((elem) => { prevbooks.find('#prevbooks-options'+nsegments.toString()).append(`

    ${elem.title} ${ordinal(elem.edition)} ${}

    `); }); } $('#search-pretype-options').append(prevbooks); }); } function anon_pretype() { let prebooks = null; try { prebooks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_ANON')); }catch(e) {} if ('previous_books' in prebooks && 'recommended_books' in prebooks) { previous_books = prebooks.previous_books; recommended_books = prebooks.recommended_books; if (typeof PREVBOOKS !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(PREVBOOKS)) { new_prevbooks = PREVBOOKS; previous_books.forEach(elem => { for (let i = 0; i < new_prevbooks.length; i++) { if ( == new_prevbooks[i].id) { return; } } new_prevbooks.push(elem); }); new_prevbooks = new_prevbooks.slice(0,3); previous_books = new_prevbooks; } if (typeof RECBOOKS !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(RECBOOKS)) { new_recbooks = RECBOOKS; for (let j = 0; j < new_recbooks.length; j++) { new_recbooks[j].viewed_at = new Date(); } let insert = true; for (let i=0; i < recommended_books.length; i++){ for (let j = 0; j < new_recbooks.length; j++) { if (recommended_books[i].id == new_recbooks[j].id) { insert = false; } } if (insert){ new_recbooks.push(recommended_books[i]); } } new_recbooks.sort((a,b)=>{ adate = new Date(2000, 0, 1); bdate = new Date(2000, 0, 1); if ('viewed_at' in a) {adate = new Date(a.viewed_at);} if ('viewed_at' in b) {bdate = new Date(b.viewed_at);} // 100000000: instead of just erasing the suggestions from previous week, // we just move them to the back of the queue acurweek = ((new Date()).getDate()-adate.getDate()>7)?0:100000000; bcurweek = ((new Date()).getDate()-bdate.getDate()>7)?0:100000000; aviews = 0; bviews = 0; if ('views' in a) {aviews = acurweek+a.views;} if ('views' in b) {bviews = bcurweek+b.views;} return bviews - aviews; }); new_recbooks = new_recbooks.slice(0,3); recommended_books = new_recbooks; } localStorage.setItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_ANON', JSON.stringify({ previous_books: previous_books, recommended_books: recommended_books })); build_popup(); } } var whiletyping_search_object = null; var whiletyping_search = { books: [], curriculum: [], topics: [] } var single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = null; var whiletyping_database_initial_burst = 0; //number of consecutive calls, after 3 we start the 1 per 5 min calls function get_whiletyping_database() { //gets the database from the server. // 1. by validating against a local database value we confirm that the framework is working and // reduce the ammount of continuous calls produced by errors to 1 per 5 minutes. return localforage.getItem('whiletyping_last_attempt').then(function(value) { if ( value==null || (new Date()) - (new Date(value)) > 1000*60*5 || (whiletyping_database_initial_burst < 3) ) { localforage.setItem('whiletyping_last_attempt', (new Date()).getTime()); // 2. Make an ajax call to the server and get the search database. let databaseUrl = `/search/whiletype_database/`; let resp = single_whiletyping_ajax_promise; if (resp === null) { whiletyping_database_initial_burst = whiletyping_database_initial_burst + 1; single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = resp = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: databaseUrl, type: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "u0EA9ZOdQ8Rtm35jZu1PWAxophiZ2cdLnOPo9WKEf3RwlBM08FDQnUcHDJuFzUb0"}, success: function (data) { // 3. verify that the elements of the database exist and are arrays if ( ('books' in data) && ('curriculum' in data) && ('topics' in data) && Array.isArray(data.books) && Array.isArray(data.curriculum) && Array.isArray(data.topics)) { localforage.setItem('whiletyping_last_success', (new Date()).getTime()); localforage.setItem('whiletyping_database', data); resolve(data); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); resolve(null); }, complete: function (data) { single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = null; } }) }); } return resp; } return Promise.resolve(null); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); return Promise.resolve(null); }); } function get_whiletyping_search_object() { // gets the fuse objects that will be in charge of the search if (whiletyping_search_object){ return Promise.resolve(whiletyping_search_object); } database_promise = localforage.getItem('whiletyping_database').then(function(database) { return localforage.getItem('whiletyping_last_success').then(function(last_success) { if (database==null || (new Date()) - (new Date(last_success)) > 1000*60*60*24*30 || (new Date('2023-04-25T00:00:00')) - (new Date(last_success)) > 0) { // New database update return get_whiletyping_database().then(function(new_database) { if (new_database) { database = new_database; } return database; }); } else { return Promise.resolve(database); } }); }); return database_promise.then(function(database) { if (database) { const options = { isCaseSensitive: false, includeScore: true, shouldSort: true, // includeMatches: false, // findAllMatches: false, // minMatchCharLength: 1, // location: 0, threshold: 0.2, // distance: 100, // useExtendedSearch: false, ignoreLocation: true, // ignoreFieldNorm: false, // fieldNormWeight: 1, keys: [ "title" ] }; let curriculum_index={}; let topics_index={}; database.curriculum.forEach(c => curriculum_index[]=c); database.topics.forEach(t => topics_index[]=t); for (j=0; j

  • Textbooks
  • `); } function build_solutions() { if (Array.isArray(solution_search_result)) { const viewAllHTML = userSubscribed ? `View All` : ''; var solutions_section = $(`
  • Solutions ${viewAllHTML}
  • `); let questionUrl = "/questions/xxx/"; let askUrl = "/ask/question/xxx/"; solution_search_result.forEach((elem) => { let url = ('course' in elem)?askUrl:questionUrl; let solution_type = ('course' in elem)?'ask':'question'; let subtitle = ('course' in elem)?(elem.course??""):( ?? "")+"    "+(elem.chapter?"Chapter "+elem.chapter:""); solutions_section.find('#whiletyping-solutions').append(` ${elem.text} ${subtitle} `); }); $('#search-solution-options').empty(); if (Array.isArray(solution_search_result) && solution_search_result.length>0){ $('#search-solution-options').append(solutions_section); } MathJax.typesetPromise([document.getElementById('search-solution-options')]); } } function build_textbooks() { $('#search-pretype-options').empty(); $('#search-pretype-options').append($('#search-solution-options').html()); if (Array.isArray(textbook_search_result)) { var books_section = $(`
  • Textbooks View All
  • `); let searchUrl = "/books/xxx/"; textbook_search_result.forEach((elem) => { books_section.find('#whiletyping-books').append(` ${elem.title} ${ordinal(elem.edition)} ${} `); }); } if (Array.isArray(textbook_search_result) && textbook_search_result.length>0){ $('#search-pretype-options').append(books_section); } } function build_popup(first_time = false) { if ($('#search-text').val()=='') { build_pretype(); } else { solution_and_textbook_search(); } } var search_text_out = true; var search_popup_out = true; const is_login = false; const user_hash = null; function pretype_setup() { $('#search-text').focusin(function() { $('#search-popup').addClass('show'); resize_popup(); search_text_out = false; }); $( window ).resize(function() { resize_popup(); }); $('#search-text').focusout(() => { search_text_out = true; if (search_text_out && search_popup_out) { $('#search-popup').removeClass('show'); } }); $('#search-popup').mouseenter(() => { search_popup_out = false; }); $('#search-popup').mouseleave(() => { search_popup_out = true; if (search_text_out && search_popup_out) { $('#search-popup').removeClass('show'); } }); $('#search-text').on("keyup", delay(() => { build_popup(); }, 200)); build_popup(true); let prevbookUrl = `/search/pretype_books/`; let prebooks = null; try { prebooks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_'+(is_login?user_hash:'ANON'))); }catch(e) {} if (prebooks && 'previous_books' in prebooks && 'recommended_books' in prebooks) { if (is_login) { previous_books = prebooks.previous_books; recommended_books = prebooks.recommended_books; if (prebooks.time && new Date().getTime()-prebooks.time<1000*60*60*6) { build_popup(); return; } } else { anon_pretype(); return; } } $.ajax({ url: prevbookUrl, method: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "u0EA9ZOdQ8Rtm35jZu1PWAxophiZ2cdLnOPo9WKEf3RwlBM08FDQnUcHDJuFzUb0"}, success: function(response){ previous_books = response.previous_books; recommended_books = response.recommended_books; if (is_login) { localStorage.setItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_'+user_hash, JSON.stringify({ previous_books: previous_books, recommended_books: recommended_books, time: new Date().getTime() })); } build_popup(); }, error: function(response){ console.log(response); } }); } $( document ).ready(pretype_setup); $( document ).ready(function(){ $('#search-popup').on('click', '.search-view-item', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let autoCompleteSearchViewUrl = `/search/autocomplete_search_view/`; let objectUrl = $(this).attr('href'); let selectedId = $(this).data('objid'); let searchResults = []; $("#whiletyping-solutions").find("a").each(function() { let is_selected = selectedId === $(this).data('objid'); searchResults.push({ objectId: $(this).data('objid'), contentType: $(this).data('contenttype'), category: $(this).data('category'), selected: is_selected }); }); $("#whiletyping-books").find("a").each(function() { let is_selected = selectedId === $(this).data('objid'); searchResults.push({ objectId: $(this).data('objid'), contentType: $(this).data('contenttype'), category: $(this).data('category'), selected: is_selected }); }); $.ajax({ url: autoCompleteSearchViewUrl, method: 'POST', data:{ csrfmiddlewaretoken: "u0EA9ZOdQ8Rtm35jZu1PWAxophiZ2cdLnOPo9WKEf3RwlBM08FDQnUcHDJuFzUb0", query: $('#search-text').val(), searchObjects: JSON.stringify(searchResults) }, dataType: 'json', complete: function(data){ window.location.href = objectUrl; } }); }); });
    In a recent sample of 84 used car sales costs, the sample mean was  6,425 with a standard deviation of  3,156. Assume the underlying distribution is approximately normal. a. Which distribution should you use for this problem? Explain your choice. b. Defin (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Golda Nolan II

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6115

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

    Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Golda Nolan II

    Birthday: 1998-05-14

    Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

    Phone: +522993866487

    Job: Sales Executive

    Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

    Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.