How Many Calories in One Egg: Fried, Boiled, Cooked or Scrambled (2024)

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Many people wonder how many calories an egg contains and some people are worried about egg’s cholesterol and fat content. One medium raw egg contains about 63 calories. However a larger or smaller egg has a different amount of calories. Also, boiling, frying or scrambling the egg affects the total calorie content.

According to research, eggs are a versatile food that are high in good quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, eggs are healthier than most people imagine and don’t have as many calories as you might think. Therefore, eggs should be an important part of a well-balanced, healthy diet.

A Raw Egg Yields 63–90 Calories

A raw egg can contain anywhere from 63 to 90 calories, depending on its size. In addition the way you prepare the eggs affects the total calorie content. Boiled and poached eggs contain fewer calories and fat than fried and scrambled eggs that are fried in oil or have milk added.

Even though eggs are high in cholesterol, they contain mostly unsaturated fat, which is essential in a healthy diet. In fact, as you will see in this article, most people can eat up to 6 eggs a week without increasing their risk of heart disease.

In order to make wise choices when it comes to your diet, it’s important to know the calorie content of eggs. In this article, you will learn about the best way to incorporate eggs into a healthy diet and what kind of health benefits eggs provide.

How Many Calories in One Egg (Medium to Jumbo Size)

The number of calories in a hen egg depends greatly on the size of the egg.

Chicken eggs can range in size from small eggs weighing about 40 grams to jumbo size ones weighing about 70 grams. The average sized egg (about 50 grams) contains around 70 calories.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the number of calories in the different sizes of a raw, uncooked egg are as follows:1

  • Medium egg (44 grams) has 63 calories.
  • Large egg (50 grams) has 72 calories.
  • Extra-large egg (56 grams) has 80 calories.
  • Jumbo egg (63 grams) has 90 calories.

Depending on how you cook eggs and what you serve them with, the calorie count may rise significantly.

Calories in a Hard-Boiled or Cooked Egg

According to the Heart Foundation, boiling or poaching eggs are the healthiest ways to eat cooked eggs.2

One hard-boiled egg contains about 78 calories3 and a poached egg contains 72 calories.4

Remember, if you are serving hard-boiled eggs as part of a salad, ingredients like salad dressing, mayonnaise, or other sauces will increase the overall calorie count of the meal.

One Scrambled Egg Has 90-100 Calories

The calorie count in scrambled eggs can raise significantly depending on how you prepare them. On average, if you use semi-skimmed milk, the number of calories in one scrambled egg will be between 90 and 100 calories.5

Remember, if you add butter, other fats, or cheese to the cooking process, the number of calories in scrambled eggs will increase even more.

1 Fried Egg Has Around 90 Calories

When frying eggs, you may be surprised that there aren’t much more calories in fried eggs than in scrambled eggs. The USDA says that there are about 90 calories in a large fried egg.6

Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez from the Mayo Clinic says that the risk of heart disease is usually associated with the food accompanying fried eggs, not the fried eggs themselves. For example, bacon, sausages, and ham all contain high levels of sodium, saturated fats or oils with trans fats.7 One interesting point to note is that bacon, sausages, and ham are also some of the top 5 cancer causing foods.

Calories in Egg Yolk vs Calories in Egg White

Egg yolk has about 55 calories

Most of the calories in eggs, as well as all of the fat content, is in the yolk. The yolk in a large egg contains about 55 calories and just over 180 mg of cholesterol.

Egg white has 17 calories

An egg white contains 17 calories and no fat content at all.

Nutritionally, egg whites contain fewer minerals and vitamins when compared to an egg yolk. However, most of the protein comes from the egg white.

Nutritional Content of Eggs – Why Eating Eggs is Good for You

Eggs are a cheap and rich source of many vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Let’s look more closely at why eating eggs can be good for you.

Eggs are good source of dietary protein

Eggs are high protein foods and they contain about 12 grams of protein for every 100 grams, most of which is in the egg white. In fact, according to the website, eggs contain all the amino acids that a healthy body needs.8

Amino acids are needed by the body for proper cell regrowth and affect the body’s production of hormones, enzymes, and hemoglobin. Because your body can’t store amino acids, you need to have a daily supply of these to help keep your overall health in good shape.

Eggs contain healthy fats

Eggs are also an important source of healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Brunilda Nazario on WebMD says that omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Having the recommended daily intake of omega-3 can help the body fight inflammatory conditions like heart disease and arthritis.9

An interesting study was published in the journal Food Chemistry which compared the omega-3 fatty acid content of organic eggs, “barn-laid” eggs, “free-range” eggs, and eggs laid by hens in a cage. They found that “cage” eggs had a lower percentage of fatty acids, however, not enough to “have any significant metabolic effect on the consumer.”10

Cholesterol in eggs

One of the reasons that eggs have received a bad rap is because of their cholesterol content. While one egg contains about 186 mg of cholesterol, the question is: should you be concerned about the cholesterol in eggs? Actually, there are many myths surrounding cholesterol and “good” cholesterol is actually necessary for many functions in the body.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a report on the effect of egg consumption on cholesterol levels. They found that people who ate 4 or more eggs a week had significantly lower levels of cholesterol than people who consumed one or no eggs a week. The study also found that eggs contributed to a large part of a person’s daily vitamin and mineral intake.11

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that eggs didn’t contribute to higher cardiovascular risks in people with type 2 diabetes. The study group on the “high-egg” diet found that they felt less hungry after eating eggs for breakfast, and they also obtained more healthy fatty acids. The researchers said that eggs “can be included safely as part of the dietary management of type 2 diabetes and it may provide greater satiety.”12

Many studies have shown that increasing egg consumption in healthy individuals actually helps to lower “bad” cholesterol levels and doesn’t have a significant effect on overall cholesterol levels.13

Of course, to look after your general health you should limit foods in your diet that are high in “bad” cholesterol and saturated fats and at the same time increase your fiber intake. Making wise dietary changes in your daily life is an effective way to lower your cholesterol naturally.

Important source of vitamins and minerals

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, each chicken egg contains 18 different vitamins and minerals. For example, eggs contain vitamin A, B-group vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Eggs also contain important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Many of these vitamins and minerals have antioxidant properties and, according to the above mentioned journal, can help protect against many degenerative processes.14

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also reports that eggs contain properties that have been reported to have antimicrobial activity, boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and have anti-cancer properties. Added to this is the fact that eggs are one of the few foods that contain high concentrations of choline – a compound necessary for liver and brain health.14

Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

It is clear that eating eggs has many health benefits. Eggs are good for your general health because they provide lots of good protein, vitamins, and minerals and can actually lower levels of “bad” cholesterol. Many studies have shown how by consuming eggs you can help to prevent certain diseases and actually improve some health conditions.

In fact, the protein, vitamin, and mineral content of eggs don’t just have many health benefits. You can also use egg yolks and egg whites to help keep your hair shiny and healthy.

Improves brain function

Eggs contain high concentrations of choline, a compound which has been linked to improved brain function. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher dietary intake of choline helped to boost cognitive performance.15

Choline is also an important compound in the brain development of unborn children and children while being breastfed. The journal Nutritional Reviews reported that in general, adults and pregnant mothers don’t get enough choline in their diet and they encourage a greater intake of choline-rich foods.16

Boosts eyesight

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds play a role in keeping eyesight healthy and preventing cataracts forming.17

Helps prevent gout

The high protein content of eggs can be a helpful addition to your diet if you suffer from bouts of gout. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein that have a very low purine content.14 Purines get broken down in the body and form uric acid which can lead to gout. Therefore, eggs are the perfect food to help reduce flare-ups of gout and prevent the condition. They provide plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep your body healthy and prevent hunger pangs.

For more helpful advice on how to get rid of the painful symptoms of gout, please read my article on the best natural treatments for gout.

Helps muscles to grow

The fact that eggs contain all the amino acids that a body needs means that they help boost muscle strength. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that egg proteins have a “profound effect on training results”, mostly due to the fact that they help skeletal muscles repair themselves quicker.14

Lowers risk of stroke

The U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) reported on a study that eggs could help to lower the risk of stroke. The study found that by eating one egg a day as part of a healthy diet, the risk of stroke is lowered by 12%.

Although other factors in the study to do with diet and lifestyle may also play a role in reducing stroke, the NLM reported that eating an egg for breakfast is a healthy way to start the day. However, eating a healthy balanced diet, not just focusing on one food is the best way to avoid cardiovascular diseases.17

Eggs can help you lose more weight

According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, eating eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight. It was found that participants of the study who followed the egg diet experienced a 61% greater weight loss than those who followed a bagel diet.18

Read these related articles:

  • 5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Only One Egg
  • How to Use Egg White or Egg Yolk for Hair
  • How To Use Eggshells to Remineralize Your Teeth
  • 15 Surprising Uses for Eggshells and Egg Cartons
  • 7 effective egg white face masks for various skin issues

Article Sources:

  1. USDA. Egg, whole, raw, fresh.
  2. HeartFoundation. Eggs.
  3. USDA. Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled.
  4. USDA. Egg, whole, cooked, poached.
  5. USDA. Egg, whole, cooked, scrambled.
  6. USDA. Egg, whole, cooked, fried.
  7. MayoClinic. Are chicken eggs good or bad for cholesterol?
  8. NutritionData. Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled.
  9. WebMD. Who needs omega-3s.
  10. Food Chem. Volume 116, Issue 4, 15 October 2009, 911–914
  11. J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Oct;19(5 Suppl):556S-562S.
  12. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Apr;101(4):705-13.
  13. J Intern Med. 1994 Mar;235(3):249-51.
  14. Nutrients. 2015 Jan; 7(1): 706–729.
  15. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Dec; 94(6): 1584–1591.
  16. Nutr Rev. (2014) 67 (11): 615-623
  17. NLM. Eating one egg a day may lower risk of stroke.
  18. 2008 Oct;32(10):1545-51

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How Many Calories in One Egg: Fried, Boiled, Cooked or Scrambled (2024)


How Many Calories in One Egg: Fried, Boiled, Cooked or Scrambled? ›

But which cooking methods result in the most low-calorie, low-fat egg? We recommend boiling or poaching an egg as part of your weight loss plan. One boiled egg contains approximately 78 calories and one poached egg has 71 calories. In contrast, fried eggs, scrambled eggs and omelets have the most calories at about 90.

Which is healthier, scrambled egg or boiled egg? ›

If you're trying to cut back on calories, choose poached or boiled eggs. These cooking methods don't add any extra fat calories, so the meal will be lower in calories than fried or scrambled eggs or an omelet.

What is the healthiest way to eat eggs for weight loss? ›

Healthiest ways to eat eggs for weight loss

Hard-boiled, poached or even baked egg bites don't rely on as much oil or butter to crisp up the egg. “But even if you like them fried of course there's ways to use a nonstick skillet and be very sparing with the amount of oil that you use,” Sharp says.

How many calories in a fried egg vs boiled egg? ›

Hard-Boiled vs Fried

On the other hand, fried eggs require supplemental butter or oil, which contribute additional calories and fat. For example, one large hard-boiled egg has 77 calories and 5.3 grams of fat, compared to 90 calories and 7 grams of fat in one large fried egg (1, 28).

How many calories is one fried egg? ›

The calorie value of a large egg fried will vary - depending how much fat you have used and whether or not you have drained it but it might range from about 85 calories if only using a little spray-oil to about 120 calories if frying in a few tablespoons of oil and not draining it.

How many boiled eggs should I eat a day for weight loss? ›

The most popular approach includes three meals per day, at least two of which include hard-boiled eggs, but no other snacks between meals. Eat two eggs every morning for breakfast with vegetables or fruit. Lunch should include one egg or another source of lean protein, plus more vegetables.

Why do scrambled eggs have more calories than hard boiled? ›

One boiled egg contains approximately 78 calories and one poached egg has 71 calories. In contrast, fried eggs, scrambled eggs and omelets have the most calories at about 90. Why? These methods use cooking sprays, oil or butter, which can add 20 or more calories to your dish.

Do eggs burn belly fat? ›

Proteins are more satisfying than fats and carbohydrates. Eating eggs will not magically remove your belly fat and extra weight, but by keeping you from feeling hungry for longer, eggs contribute to your weight loss success. Eating a high-protein diet is one strategy for losing weight.

What happens if I eat eggs for breakfast every day? ›

Eggs are also a great source of heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, folate and B vitamins. Some research suggests that up to two eggs per day actually improves heart health. As with anything, moderation is important, especially if you enjoy eggs daily.

Can I eat scrambled eggs everyday to lose weight? ›

Eating eggs may support weight loss, especially if a person incorporates them into a calorie-controlled diet. Research suggests that eggs boost metabolic activity and increase feelings of fullness. Eating an egg-based breakfast may stop a person from consuming extra calories throughout the day.

How long should I boil an egg? ›

How long to boil an egg
  1. 3 minutes for really soft boiled yolk and set white.
  2. 4 minutes for slightly set yolk and set white.
  3. 5 minutes for a medium cooked firmer yolk and white.
  4. 6 minutes for hard boiled with lightly soft yolk.
  5. 8 minutes for firmly hard boiled.

Is 2 fried eggs a day healthy? ›

For most healthy adults, it's safe to eat 1–2 eggs a day depending on how much other cholesterol is in your diet. If you already have high cholesterol or other risk factors for heart disease, it may be best to eat no more than 4–5 eggs per week.

How long do boiled eggs last? ›

Information. Hard cooked eggs can be stored in the refrigerator up to seven days, either left in their shells or peeled. Make sure eggs are refrigerated within two hours after cooking, and don't leave refrigerated cooked eggs out at room temperature for more than two hours.

What is the healthier way to cook eggs? ›

Opt for methods such as poaching, boiling, baking, and scrambling to best retain the nutritional value of eggs without adding unnecessary fat or sodium. These methods also help reduce the risk of forming harmful compounds, like cholesterol oxidation products, during the cooking process.

Do scrambled eggs have more cholesterol than hard boiled? ›

What's the Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs for Reduced Cholesterol? In general, the way you cook and eat your eggs does not significantly impact the cholesterol amount. Hard or soft boiled, fried or poached eggs and omelets all contain around 185 mg of cholesterol. Remember, egg whites contain zero cholesterol.

Is it OK to eat scrambled eggs everyday? ›

Most healthy adults can eat 1-2 eggs per day or up to seven eggs per week. Eggs are a great source of protein and are packed with vitamins and minerals.

What's the best way to eat eggs to get the most protein? ›

Incorporate eggs into a high-protein diet by adding them to salads, making vegetable and egg stir-fries, or preparing egg-based breakfast dishes such as omelets or frittatas. These methods allow you to enjoy the maximum protein benefits of eggs while also incorporating other nutritious ingredients.

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