Cyberpunk 2077 Meredith Stout Romance Guide (2025)

by PowerPyx 33 Comments

This guide shows how to romance Meredith Stout in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). Meredith is afemale Corpo Agent you can meetduring ‘The Pickup’ Story Mission. She’s an optional objective in that quest. If you do that optional objective and defeat the Maelstrom Gang in ‘The Pickup’ Main Mission, she will send you a phone message later. Then she will want to meet up at a Motel for a sex scene. The Meredith Romance available for both Male and Female characters (she is bisexual)! Your lifepath does not matter (you don’t have to play Corpo).

For all other Romances see the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Guide (All Romances).

Meredith is Bisexual and can be romancedas either Male or Femalecharacter. Your lifepath doesn’t matter.

Below are all missions and dialogues in chronological order that lead to the MeredithStout Romance. To get her romance, Stout must prevail over Gilchrist at the end of the “The Pickup” mission. There are different ways to do this, this is just the easiest method:

Main Job –The Pickup:

  • During“The Pickup” Main Quest (6th Main Quest, very early in the story) there will be an optional objective to go talk to the Corpo Agent Meredith Stout. Do not attack her or her bodyguards. Talk to her to complete the optional objective.It’s best that you don’t pick the money chip she offers you.Select the following Meredith Dialogues: “[Shake Hand] Correct” > “I just wanna talk” > “Yep. All by my lonesome.” > “Don’t Know Him” > “You want info. I want a bot. Let’s make a deal.” > “No way. Not happenin”.
  • Your next objective in “The Pickup” is to go to the Maelstrom Gang at the Food Processing Plant. Just ask for a discount and then take down Royce during the dialogue. Pick the following dialogues with the Maelstroms: “Sit” > “[Calm Jackie] Jackie, sit down.” > “I’ll pass” > “Show it to me” > “We’ll take it” > “Really expect me to pay twice?” > “Prepared to offer us a discount?” > “Take Down Royce” > “Shoot Royce”. After escaping the hideout, Meredith MUST show up in a car and you get must get the objective “Talk to Meredith Stout”, that’s how you know you dideverything correctly. In this ending she will prevail over Gilchrist (which is the necessary outcome for this romance). If Gilchrist shows up at the end or if neither of them shows up you won’t get her Romance later. Below is an image of her showing up at the end of the mission which is what it should be like.
  • Some time after “The Pickup”, you will get a phone message from Meredith Stout with a reply option (hold Cyberpunk 2077 Meredith Stout Romance Guide (3) to open phone, click on Open Messages and scroll over hers). It varies from player to player how long it takes to get this message, just continue with main jobs and you should get it by the time you reach the end of the story(random when exactly). Reply to her “Same, Was starting to like you” and she’llwrite back that she wants to hook up at the No-Tell Motel, 1st floor.Reply “I’ll be there”. This will also trigger the quest “Venus in Furs” which you can track from the Journal Menu to see the location.Go there.
  • There’s only one option here “So What Now?” –> she will grab you and trigger the sex scene

Alternatively, itwill also work out fine if:

  • You accepted the infected Credit Chip from Stout during the Optional Objective.
    • Shot Royce during the dialoguewith him
    • Usedthe chip to pay Royce, then a fight breaks out and you must defeat him at the end of the mission.

In this outcome Stout still prevails over Gilchrist and she will message you later.

The only ways you can mess this up is if Gilchrist prevails over Stout:

  • Bought the Flathead Militech with your own money (peaceful outcome)
  • TookStout’s credit chip but cracked it and use the cracked chip to pay Royce (only possible as Corpo)
  • Told Royce that the Credit Chip is infected
  • Upon arrival at the Food Plant you attacked the Maelstrom gang in the main hall, started a fight here before meeting Royce

In those cases you wouldn’t be able to romance Stout later.

This concludesthe Meredith Romance Guide. She will still send youone more text message after your night together and that’s the end of that.

For all other Romances see the completeCyberpunk 2077 Romance Guide (All Romances).

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Cyberpunk 2077 Meredith Stout Romance Guide (2025)


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Cyberpunk 2077 Meredith Stout romance: How to win her over

She isn't one of the main romance options and so even if successful, you'll only end up having a one-time encounter.

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To avoid having sex with her, simply decline her invitation or choose dialogue options that indicate you are not interested in a physical relationship.

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Pay with the Militech chip

If you hacked the credchip after Meredith Stout gave it to you, you'll offer Royce the chip and tip him off that Militech's onto him. He checks the credchip and it shows up clean. Royce tells you to take the bot and leave.

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It must be noted that the romance is only partial with Rogue if players only do the first step. She calls it off no matter what after a brief kissing scene and there is not a sex scene with her. This is as close as a Romance with Rogue can get, for V or Johnny at this time.

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The nature of this appearance, however, will depend on which ending you want and whether you decide to call her when you have the chance. And finally, before you ask, there aren't any additional sex scenes - however, you can go on a Romance Hangout with Judy.

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Bio: Meredith is a corpo Militech agent first mentioned during The Ride main job by Dexter DeShawn and later appears as an optional choice during The Pickup. If you decide to talk with her and end up on her good side following The Pickup, though, she'll contact you later for a side job called Venus in Furs.

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When saved, Brick won't follow and help you escape, but he does say that if you ever meet him again, he'll "have you covered". If he lives, he will appear later but we won't spoil how and when.

What happens if you call Meredith Stout? ›

Your main objective starting The Pickup is to meet Jackie, but you have an optional choice to call Meredith Stout, a Militech agent. We recommend doing this, because it opens up more options for the mission. Call her and she'll arrange a meeting where you'll be punched in the face and end up with a gun to the head.

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With these restrictions, you can't romance all of them in a single playthrough, but depending on the gender options of your V, you should be able to get involved with two of them - though be aware that some sequences can lock you to just one partner, essentially forcing you to choose one of them.

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Judy's strictly into girls from what I know despite her popularity and while Meredith can be romanced by Male V regardless of lifepath chosen, it's just a one-night stand and we don't get to see her again. This had me thinking that the entire game is rigged in favour of Panam being V's main partner.

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Discovering and rescuing Brick in the secluded tech vault room of the plant will not provoke any negative reactions from Dum Dum, although letting him die will provide the same results. There is a graffiti scribble on a wall of the Totentanz toilet, depicting a statement "Den Den was here".

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As it turns out, Brick isn't dead after all - he's just waiting to be rescued. You now have the choice to either keep him locked up, or free him. The answer is to free him: There is nothing to be gained from keeping him locked up, and if you free him, he'll be able to help you further down the line in Second Conflict.

Where is Meredith Stout's body? ›

Her body can be found right off a pier in a specific location after Act 1. Swimming up to the body allows it to be scanned, and Johnny Silverhand and V will have a quick conversation where V informs Johnny that Stout was from their past life.

Can you romance multiple times in Cyberpunk 2077? ›

With these restrictions, you can't romance all of them in a single playthrough, but depending on the gender options of your V, you should be able to get involved with two of them - though be aware that some sequences can lock you to just one partner, essentially forcing you to choose one of them.

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If V's body and voice match, they can pursue romances with two characters simultaneously with no consequences. Male V can romance both Panam and Kerry, while female V can romance both River and Judy. V has the option to reject starting a romance with someone prior to the romantic encounter and/or right after it.

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Absolutely! Fallout 4 doesn't force you to choose just one romance option. You can flirt and romance with multiple companions across the wasteland. Just remember, some companions may react negatively if they catch you flirting with someone else in their presence.

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BG3: Can you romance multiple companions? In Baldur's Gate 3, you can romance multiple companions, but only if you're romancing Shadowheart, Astarion, or Halsin. They are willing to let you get flexible with your affections, but other companions are not.

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